Ever since Anáil came into my life, everything got that much more magical. She is the embodiment of the Divine Mother with abilities to see beyond what my five senses pick up. Through her default of unconditional love, she gently reminds us of and reflects back the power that lies dormant within, bringing it to life through the remembrance that magic is real. Her lens sees divinity where most would see the mundane. She is the bridge from the divine to the day-to-day. Anáil reignites magic in the lives of those who have lost the ability to hear the beat of their own heart. She is the mother I always dreamed of having and even when she isn’t physically present she is always guiding me home into my heart.

~ Blu

“Ever since Anáil came into my life, everything got that much more magical”

There are few people on the planet I’ve ever met with a heart as big as Anáil's. Her ability to see the world, and the people in it, through a lens of compassion is profound. When combined with her wisdom and access to other realms, I’m not sure what to say other than: she is pure magic. I’m blessed to know her and feel grateful to call her a friend. Thank you, Anáil, for continuing to share your light with the world.

Adam Roa

Anáil is a heart-centered healer whose presence brings a feeling of safety paving the way for healing and discovery. She uses a rare combination of education, mental intelligence and keen assessment skills, along with a clear, deep intuition to discern underlying issues on a multi-dimensional level.

Jacquie LeMeur

Anáil’s light and expansive gifts transcend the physical limitations of the body. Her knowledge, spirit, kindness and limitless understanding not only have the power to heal physical ailments, but also call in the spiritual growth that accompanies true healing. My eternal gratitude for the light she blesses the world with.

Victoria Hamilton

She embodies a purity of Spirit that is untainted by personal judgment, instead she intuitively feels her way through the energetics of any situation and always discovers a viewpoint or summons a question that leads to the most compassionate resolution of even the most complex inquiries. 

Anáil exudes a quiet power which feels both nurturing and light as a feather. Her connection to the zero point of pure presence allows her to navigate the shamanic realms with great beauty and intentionality, and the energy / grid work she taps into (especially when working with the plants) is extraordinary to witness and receive. I have seen Anáil unlock deeply transformational, dormant, past life memories which evoked significant physical and emotional responses in the recipient without her ever laying hands on them. She is a true healer.

If you have the honor of coming into this woman's field, I can only recommend you lean all the way into the exquisite container she builds for those she serves - for every aspect of her offering is coming from the most pristine vibration of delight, depth and joy.

Anáil is a living prayer, and I am so blessed to call her one of my closest Soul sisters.

~ Azrya Cohen Bequer

“i have never met anyone quite like anáil. she is both profoundly ancient in her wisdom and - at the same time - almost child-like in her essence. ”